The Lazy Way to Finish More Songs: A Guide to Decluttering Your Unfinished Works

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Closeup of woman guitarist sitting composing music in the park

As a songwriter, it’s not uncommon to have a collection of unfinished songs lying around. These incomplete works can take up mental space and hinder your ability to write new material. However, decluttering your unfinished works can help free up mental space and unlock your creativity.

The Lazy Songwriter’s approach to decluttering is simple: prioritize which songs to finish and which to let go of. Start by reviewing all of your unfinished works and categorizing them based on their potential for completion. Next, identify any recurring patterns or themes in your unfinished works. This can help you identify any areas of your songwriting that need improvement.

Once you’ve identified which songs to focus on, break down the songwriting process into small, manageable tasks. Rather than overwhelming yourself with the idea of finishing an entire song, focus on completing smaller tasks like writing a chorus or a bridge. This can help you avoid writer’s block and keep the creative juices flowing.

Remember, it’s okay to let go of unfinished works that no longer resonate with you or that you’re simply not inspired to finish. By decluttering your unfinished works and focusing on the ones with the most potential, you can maximize your songwriting potential and finish more songs the lazy way.

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